The Booty Report

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Arrr, the mighty winds of Mumbai be sendin' billboards a-fallin', claimin' 8 souls in their wake. Aye, beware!


Arrr, the heavens opened up and the winds did howl like a pack of angry sea hags, sending a mighty billboard crashing down upon the heads of poor souls seekin' refuge. 'Twas a scene fit for the most treacherous pirate's tale!

Ahoy mateys! 'Twas a dark and stormy day in the financial capital of India, when the heavens opened up and unleashed a fury of heavy rains and fierce winds upon the land. As the tempest raged, a mighty billboard was torn from its moorings and sent crashing down upon a hapless crowd of souls seeking shelter from the storm. Yarrr, the poor scallywags never stood a chance!
The billowin' winds did howl like a pack of hungry sea dogs, and the rain poured down like buckets of bilge water from a leaky ship. The crowd scattered like a flock of panicked seagulls, their cries of alarm lost in the deafenin' roar of the storm. But fear not, me hearties, for the good ship Fortune smiles upon the bold and the brave!
Though the billboard may have wreaked havoc upon the unsuspectin' crowd, let us not forget the true power of the sea and sky. For 'tis a lesson learned in humility and awe, a reminder that even the mightiest of mortals are at the mercy of nature's wrath. So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare to weather the storm with courage and fortitude!

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