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Ye scurvy dog Trump be cursing a judge as conflicted as a pirate's parrot on Cohen's tale-tellin' day. Arrr!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The ex-President Trump be cursin' Judge Juan Merchan as a bilge rat! Michael Cohen be spewin' tales in court while Trump be flappin' his trap like a parrot on a pirate ship! Aye, 'tis a tale fit for Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!

Former President Donald Trump criticized Judge Juan Merchan as being "highly conflicted" following Michael Cohen's testimony in the New York v. Trump trial. Trump accused the judge of preventing him from campaigning and labeled him as corrupt and biased due to his appointment by Democrat politicians. He ridiculed the New York legal system and called it a "scam" that the world is laughing at.Trump has consistently attacked Merchan, claiming political bias and conflict of interest, particularly highlighting the judge's daughter's work as a political consultant for Democratic figures. He also criticized Merchan for imposing a gag order on him, resulting in fines for violating it.In court, Cohen revealed details about hush payments made to Stormy Daniels, alleging that the Trump Organization fraudulently reimbursed him. Prosecutors are aiming to prove Trump's involvement in falsifying records for illicit purposes. Cohen's testimony also included revelations about secretly recorded conversations with Trump regarding payments to Karen McDougal.Despite legal challenges, Trump remains defiant, asserting his willingness to endure jail time for upholding the principles of the Constitution. As the trial continues, the focus remains on unraveling the alleged financial misconduct and deceit within the Trump Organization.

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