The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Blinken be showin' Zelensky some love in Ukraine, makin' sure we got their backs, savvy?


Arrr mateys, as the Russians be makin' their moves in Ukraine's northeast, the Biden crew be shoutin' from the crow's nest that Congress better loosen their purse strings or else the poor Ukrainians be left stranded like a stranded ship on a desert island. Avast ye, time be o' the essence!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The crew be sailin' to Ukraine's shores amidst the rumblin' of Russian cannons in the northeast. The Biden crew had been warnin' for months that if Congress didn't cough up the gold for an aid package, the poor Ukrainians would be left to fend for themselves like scurvy dogs!
But fear not, for we pirates be on our way with barrels of provisions and swords at the ready to defend our allies. The winds may be blowin' against us, but we'll show those Russian scallywags what for!
So hoist the sails and batten down the hatches, me hearties! We be showin' those landlubbers in Congress that delayin' aid to our friends ain't no joke. Let's give those Ukrainians a fightin' chance and keep the plunderers at bay!

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