The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the judge be facin' a challenge as big as findin' buried treasure - his own election!


Arrr, the honorable Judge Scott McAfee be gallivantin' about like a scurvy pirate on a treasure hunt afore the May 21 election. And all the while, keepin' a weather eye on the scallywag Trump's election shenanigans. May the winds be in his favor!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! Judge Scott McAfee be a busy soul, campaignin' like a whirlwind fer the upcoming May 21 primary election. He be workin' harder than a one-legged man in a kickin' contest, all while havin' to deal with the likes of that scurvy dog Donald Trump in a massive election interference case.
Aye, ye heard right! The good Judge be jugglin' more tasks than a monkey in a tree full o' coconuts. But he be standin' tall and holdin' his ground like a sturdy mast on a ship in a storm. He be showin' the world what a true leader looks like, even in the face of such treacherous waters.
So let's raise a tankard of grog to Judge McAfee, the swashbucklin' hero of the courtroom! May his sails be full and his aim be true as he navigates the choppy seas of politics and justice. And may he find fair winds and followin' seas in his quest for victory in the upcoming election.

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