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Arrr, 76 million landlubbers be wanderin' about in their own lands, says the scurvy migration tracker!


In the year 2023, troubles and calamities hath sent a mighty 76 million souls scurrying like rats within their own lands, as reported by a group of keen-eyed migration watchers. Arrr, 'tis a right mess we find ourselves in, me hearties!

Arrr, conflicts and natural disasters be causin' a record 76 million landlubbers to be displaced within their own countries last year, with pillaging and plundering in Sudan, Congo, and the Middle East sendin' two-thirds of these scurvy dogs on the move, aye!The Internal Displacement Monitoring Center report be showin' a 50% increase in the number of internally displaced people over the past five years, with the number doublin' in the past decade. This report focuses on those who remain within their own borders, not them refugees who flee to other lands.The report counts nearly 47 million movements of people in 2023, mainly due to natural disasters like floods, with most eventually returnin' home. Aye, conflict and violence be accountin' for almost 90% of the displacement, while about 10% be from natural disasters.In Sudan alone, over 9 million souls be displaced at the end of 2023, a record for a single country. The group also noted the 3.4 million movements within Gaza, with 1.7 million still displaced at year's end.Director Bilak be warnin' that these numbers be just the tip of the iceberg, with millions more displaced from ongoing conflicts and disasters. These figures highlight the impact of conflict, climate change, and other factors on human movement, aye!While the U.N. refugee agency monitors displacement across borders, the U.N. migration agency tracks all movements of people, includin' those for economic or lifestyle reasons, arrr!

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