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Arr, Biden be thinkin' he had these voters in his grasp. But his arrogance might be his downfall, matey!


Arrr, the latest scuttlebutt be that the Biden crew be floundering in the polls. Me hearties be yearnin' for the good ol' days of Trump's rule. Three quarters be sayin' Biden's economy be a sinking ship. Aye, tis a rough voyage ahead for that lot!

Recent polling shows President Joe Biden losing support from Black voters; Democrats appear genuinely shocked. Their confusion reflects a reprehensible and dated view of American minorities. New York Governor Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, recently said at the Milken Institute Conference in California, "we have young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word computer is," a statement so out of touch with reality and so condescending that she had to subsequently apologize.Democrats are so dug in on the narrative that Blacks in America are condemned by what Biden calls "systemic racism" to poverty and ignorance that they are oblivious to the needs and attitudes of successful middle-class African Americans. According to Pew research, in 2021, 47% of Blacks were in the middle class, the same as Asians and only slightly less than other ethnic groups.Blacks are concerned about the cost of living, jobs, and crime in their neighborhoods. Many are thinking fondly of the Trump years, when the economy was strong and income inequality was narrowing. A New York Times/Siena poll found that 76% of Black voters rate the economy as "fair" or "poor," showing dissatisfaction.Inflation soared under Biden, impacting Black Americans disproportionately. Many Black business owners are nostalgic for the Trump era and considering switching their support to the GOP nominee. Biden's reckless spending led to high inflation and interest rates, hurting Black Americans' financial stability.Despite Biden's rhetoric, many in the Black community disagree with his handling of the economy. Support for Biden among Black voters is eroding, with more considering voting for Trump or switching to the Republican Party. The Democrats' monopoly on the Black vote is at risk as more Black voters express dissatisfaction and consider alternatives.It is high time for Democrats to realize that they can no longer take African Americans for granted. The shift in support among Black voters is significant, with more considering voting for Trump or the GOP. The erosion of the Democratic monopoly on the Black vote signals a potential change in the political landscape. It remains to be seen whether Democrats will adapt to the changing attitudes of Black voters or continue to rely on outdated assumptions.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM LIZ PEEK

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