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Arrr! The Indian Prime Minister Modi be settin' sail for his third term in th' general election! Hoist the sails!


Arrr mateys, the mighty Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hath set sail for Varanasi on Tuesday to officially declare his candidacy in the ongoing general election. He be aimin' to secure his spot on the throne, may the winds be ever in his favor!

Arr, mateys! Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi be in the holy Hindu city of Varanasi on Tuesday, surrounded by his party leaders and supporters as he filed paperwork to run in an ongoing election that be like a referendum on his decade in power. The 73-year-old leader be hopin' to keep his seat in Varanasi, where he won in 2014 and 2019.India's grand, six-week-long general election started in April and be goin' on until June 1, with votes bein' counted on June 4. Nearly 970 million people be eligible to vote, makin' this the world's biggest democratic election, arr!Most polls show Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party be leadin' in the race for seats in the lower house of parliament. His main challenger be a broad opposition alliance led by the Indian National Congress and powerful regional parties.Modi be seen as a champion of the country's Hindu majority, overseein' rapid economic growth durin' his time in power. But his critics say he's hurt India's democracy and secular status with attacks by Hindu nationalists against minorities.Modi led a roadshow in Varanasi on Monday, drawin' thousands of supporters who cheered "Hail Modi!" as his car passed by. The holy city has around 1.7 million voters and be a crucial state in Indian elections, sendin' the largest number of MPs to Parliament.

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