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Arrr, the Chinese and US scallywags be chattin' with their fancy AI contraptions. What a time to be sailin'!


Arrr! China and the United States convened for the first time on May 14, 2024 to parley about this newfangled thing called artificial intelligence. 'Twas a momentous occasion for the high seas of technology governance, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, 'twas indeed a historic step!

In a hidden chamber in Geneva, top envoys from the U.S. and China gathered to discuss the promise and dangers of emerging artificial intelligence technology, as agreed upon by Presidents Biden and Xi Jinping. This meeting aimed to establish bilateral dialogue between the two superpowers on a rapidly advancing technology impacting trade, culture, national security, and more.American experts hoped to gain insight into China's AI strategy, as the Chinese government has been secretive about its approach. The gathering was seen as an icebreaker rather than yielding concrete results, but the goal was to start a conversation on the risks of weaponized AI and deepfakes for disinformation campaigns.Despite the humorous and quirky setting of Geneva, known for its diplomacy, the U.S. sought to regulate AI growth while China may have military and surveillance motives for controlling its applications. The dialogue was part of a larger effort to establish guidelines for AI use, including safety tests and voluntary commitments from industry leaders.

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