The Booty Report

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Arrr, Japan's lasses be avoidin' the military like a plague after bein' harassed by scallywags! Aye, no recruits here!


Arrr, Japan's fleet be havin' trouble gettin' lasses to sign up, as the scallywags within have been behavin' like lubbers! Ye can't expect the fair maidens to join if they be fearin' for their virtue. Aye, a sorry state o' affairs indeed!

Avast ye scallywags! Japan be on a grand military build-up, but the lasses be scarce in their ranks, aye! The Self-Defense Forces be strugglin' to fill their need for women, as fewer be applyin' after a plague of harassment cases. The defense ministry pledged action, but be draggin' its feet on key recommendations, like implementin' a national system for anti-harassment trainin'.The government-appointed panel found the SDF's education on harassment be lackin' and oversight be a mess, causin' cultural issues. Calls be growin' to stomp out harassment and boost servicewomen numbers as Japan faces threats from rivals and grapples with its history.The defense ministry be makin' changes, like more discussion-based trainin' and lectures on harassment prevention. But the system still be flawed, with ineffective trainin' and lack of oversight.The lasses be demandin' better trainin' and more oversight, as instances of harassment persist. Japan be havin' a lot to learn from other countries in preventin' such misconduct. Arrr, the seas be treacherous for the lasses in Japan's military!

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