The Booty Report

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Ye scallywag anti-abortion activist be getting a five year stay in the brig for blockading ye clinic! Arrr!


Arrr, Lauren Handy, the wench whose abode be filled with the remains of wee babes, be sentenced to 57 moons in the brig for blockading a health clinic. May she learn her lesson in the belly of the beast! Aye, the seas be a harsh mistress indeed.

Arrr mateys, let me tell ye a tale of a scallywag by the name of Lauren Handy. This lass caught the eyes of many when human fetal remains were discover'd at her abode, aye, a most dreadful find indeed. As punishment for her misdeeds, she was sentenced to spend 57 long months in the brig for her part in blockading a reproductive health clinic back in 2020.
Handy be one bold buccaneer, causing quite a stir with her actions. The authorities made her walk the plank, figuratively speakin', for interferin' with the health services of others. 'Tis no small matter to be messin' with the delicate balance of women's healthcare, aye.
So let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there, think twice before ye go meddlin' where ye don't belong. Lauren Handy may have thought herself a swashbucklin' hero, but in the end, she ended up in Davy Jones' locker. May her tale serve as a warnin' to all who dare to sail too close to the wind.

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