The Booty Report

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Avast ye! UN be claimin' less lasses and wee ones be dyin' in Gaza. Huzzah, the grim reaper be slowin'!


Arrr, me hearties! The U.N. be admittin' that they be not knowin' all the women and wee ones who be losin' their lives in Israel's fightin'. They be like a blindfolded pirate tryin' to count his plunder without seein' it all! Arrr!

Avast ye! UN be claimin' less lasses and wee ones be dyin' in Gaza. Huzzah, the grim reaper be slowin'!

Arrr mateys, the U.N. be admittin' they don't have all the facts on the women and wee ones who've been claimed by the cannons of Israel's military might. They be sayin' the death toll be lower than previously thought, but still they be lackin' the full picture of the devastation.

It be like tryin' to navigate the high seas without a map, ye know? The U.N. be sailin' blind, guessin' at the numbers of them who've been made to walk the plank by the bombs and bullets of war.

But let's not be too hard on the scallywags at the U.N., mateys. They be doin' their best to keep track of the casualties in a chaotic and dangerous situation. It be a tough job, no doubt about it.

So let's raise a tankard of grog to the U.N., me hearties, and hope that they can soon get a better handle on the true cost of this bloody conflict. Until then, let's keep a weather eye out for any new developments on the horizon.

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