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Arrr mateys! Biden be spendin' a fortune on a massive metal pier to help Gaza. Aye, tis a bold move indeed!


Arrr mateys, ye won't believe it! The scurvy dogs of the U.S. military have built a grand floating pier, 1,500-ft long, to deliver aid to Gaza. 'Tis just the beginning of Biden's costly plan, savvy? Aye, the treasure be flowin' like grog!

The U.S. military has finished constructing a massive metal pier to be inserted into a northern Gaza beach soon. This enormous structure, equivalent to the length of five American football fields, is the initial move in President Biden's $320 million plan to establish a sea route for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza amidst the ongoing conflict with Hamas.The risky construction of the pier poses challenges for aid delivery teams, but Pentagon officials are optimistic about its success. The Biden administration's decision to open this sea route comes as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalates near the Rafah border crossings.Despite skepticism from some humanitarian organizations like Oxfam, who believe land crossings are sufficient for aid delivery, the U.S. maritime route aims to bypass potential obstacles at the Rafah border. Israeli officials play a crucial role in permitting aid to Gaza, with concerns about aid falling into Hamas' hands.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has assured Biden of facilitating aid delivery and protecting aid workers. The war between Israel and Hamas has resulted in significant civilian casualties, with conflicting reports on the exact death toll.

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