The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The Slovak prime minister be takin' a hit! Shiver me timbers, what a scandalous tale!


Arrr matey, Robert Fico was plundered and sent to the ship of healing after a mighty brawl in the town o' Handlova, to the northeast o' the grand city o' Bratislava. May he recover swift and join us again on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Me hearties, word has it that Robert Fico, the scallywag of Handlova, was ambushed in a treacherous attack! The poor soul was whisked away to a hospital quicker than ye can say 'shiver me timbers!' Aye, 'twas a dire situation indeed, northeast of the grand city of Bratislava.
Imagine the chaos, me shipmates! The town of Handlova be in an uproar, wondering who dared to cross paths with such a notorious figure. Was it a rival gang of buccaneers, or perhaps a mutinous crew seeking revenge? The rumors be flyin' faster than a cannonball, me hearties!
But fear not, me hearty companions, for Robert Fico be a tough old sea dog. He'll bounce back from his injuries quicker than a rogue wave on the high seas! The scallywag be resilient, like a sturdy mast in a storm.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to our fallen comrade and wish him a swift recovery. May the winds of fortune blow in his favor, and may he soon be back on his feet, ready to sail the seven seas once more! Arrr!

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