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Arrr mateys, Indonesia be playin' god by makin' clouds walk the plank to stop the rain!


Arrr, them Indonesian scallywags be messin' with the weather! They be seedin' clouds like a bunch o' landlubbers tryin' to stop the rain. But no matter how hard they try, Mother Nature be havin' the last laugh. Yarrr!

Arr, me hearties! Indonesian authorities be takin' to the skies on Wednesday, tryin' to prevent more rain and flash floods after a mighty deluge hit Sumatra Island over the weekend, leavin' at least 59 souls dead and 16 missin'.Monsoon rains stirred up a landslide of mud and cold lava from Mount Marapi, causin' rivers to overflow their banks. The flood ran through mountain villages in four districts of West Sumatra province just before midnight on Saturday.The deluge swept away people, homes, and buildings, forcin' over 1,500 families to seek shelter in government havens. The National Disaster Management Agency reported 59 bodies had been found by Wednesday, with 16 still missin'.Cloud seedin' be the method used to modify the weather, dispersin' particles into clouds to create precipitation. The aim of Wednesday's action was to keep the rain away from the search operation and help rescuers find those still missin'.Rescue crews be searchin' through rivers and ruined villages, while Indonesia's Meteorology agency predicts more rain in the days ahead. The country, with its many volcanoes and fault lines, be no stranger to landslides and floods caused by heavy rains.May the winds blow fair and the skies clear for the good folk of Indonesia in this difficult time!

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