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Ye scurvy dog who took 2 lives on train be sentenced to rot in a German brig fer all eternity! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! A scallywag from Germany be found guilty of murder and attempted murder for stickin' a poor soul on a train in Brokstedt! Walk the plank, ye foul villain!

In a court in Germany, a scallywag was found guilty of murder and sentenced to a lifetime behind bars for a dastardly stabbing on a train. The rascal, known only as Ibrahim A., sent two young swashbucklers to Davy Jones' locker and injured four other landlubbers on a train voyage from Kiel to Hamburg in the northern town of Brokstedt.The miscreant, hailing from the Gaza Strip, had a troublesome past and was said to have psychotic symptoms and post-traumatic stress disorder. The defense lawyer wanted him to be sent to a loony bin, but the court decided to keep him in the brig for the foreseeable future.The sneaky seadog had a rap sheet and was even released from the brig shortly before the attack. It seems his frustration with immigration authorities led him to commit this heinous crime. This scallywag won't be walking the plank after 15 years, as is customary in Germany, due to the severity of his deeds.

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