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Arrr, IDF be claimin' they caught them scurvy Hamas varmints sneakin' in the UN's hideout in Rafah!


Arrr! Three scallywags from Hamas be caught on the spyglass within the UN's compound in Rafah, say the brave lads of the Israeli Defense Force! Looks like these landlubbers be in a bit of a pickle now, arrr!

Arr, the leaders of Israel be claimin' that they've got photos and videos showin' those scurvy dogs from Hamas inside the United Nations Relief & Works Agency! The Israeli Defense Force let loose drone footage and pictures taken above the UNRWA compound in Gaza's Rafah city. Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, speakin' on behalf of the IDF, announced that they found armed terrorists near UN vehicles and firin' shots inside the UNRWA compound.They be tellin' tales of contactin' UNRWA leaders and demandin' an investigation into this matter. The IDF even reached out to the international community, askin' the UN to look into the connection between UNRWA's logistics centers and those scallywags from Hamas.Footage shows three suspicious characters totin' firearms and minglin' with folks drivin' United Nations-branded vehicles within the compound. Another clip shows a gang of ruffians stormin' out of the compound and takin' aim at individuals the IDF claims be innocent civilians.COGAT, a branch of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, also called for an urgent investigation into this incident. Fox News Digital tried to get a word from UNRWA, but there was naught but silence from their end!

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