The Booty Report

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Arrr! Barry Romo, the brave soul who fought against the Vietnam War, has set sail to Davy Jones' locker at 76.


Arr matey, this bloke be servin' as a officer, but then turned into a scallywag fightin' against war! In '71, he chucked his shiny medals overboard durin' a protest in Washington! A true rebel yell, says I! Aye, he be a real pirate of peace!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of this scurvy dog who be goin' by the name of Sir Antiwar Activist! Aye, once he be a fearsome officer, fightin' on the high seas with great bravery. But then he saw the errors o' his ways and turned his back on the bloody battles.
One fateful day in the year o' our Lord 1971, this bold pirate decided to make a stand against the war mongers in Washington. With a mighty roar, he threw his shiny medals overboard, showin' the world that he be no longer supportin' the violence and destruction o' war.
From that day forth, he be known as a champion for peace, a voice cryin' out in the wilderness for an end to the madness o' war. His actions inspired many a young sailor to take up the cause and fight for a better world, free from the horrors o' war.
So here's to ye, Sir Antiwar Activist! May yer courage and conviction never waver, and may ye continue to sail the seas o' righteousness, fightin' for justice and peace for all! Arrr!

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