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Arrr! Guatemalan scallywags be lettin' loose a journalist accused o' buryin' his doubloons! Hoist the sails!


Arrr mateys! Avast ye! The Guatemalan court be settin' free the lad José Rubén Zamora after a long 2 years in the brig for some alleged money launderin'. He be needin' a good scrubbin' from all that time in the clink, I reckon!

In a twist of fate fit for a seafaring tale, a court in Guatemala has ordered the release of the esteemed journalist José Rubén Zamora, who had been languishing in prison for nearly two years on charges of money laundering. The 67-year-old founder of El Periodico newspaper had been slapped with a six-year sentence last June, only for that decision to be overturned by a higher court, which called for a new trial.After spending close to 24 months behind bars, Zamora was finally granted his freedom by a judge who deemed him neither a flight risk nor a threat to the ongoing investigation. Instead, he will remain on conditional release until his next day in court, having been required to post a bond of nearly $4,800.During his hearing, Zamora spoke of his lifelong struggles and the attacks he has endured for his journalistic endeavors. His defense attorney labeled his detention as arbitrary, while Guatemala's former human rights ombudsman pledged to ensure his continued participation in the legal process.Press freedom advocates had long criticized Zamora's prosecution as politically motivated, stemming from his newspaper's critical investigations into the actions of former President Alejandro Giammattei. The charges themselves revolved around a simple act of seeking financial support for El Periodico, with Zamora opting to use a friend as an intermediary to shield the donor's identity.Despite the hardships he has faced, Zamora's dedication to fearless reporting has not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the recent award of excellence in journalism from the foundation of Nobel Prize-winning writer Gabriel García Márquez.

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