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Avast ye! WHO be givin' a nod to another potion against the cursed dengue as outbreaks be gettin' fiercer. Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The World Health Organization be givin' the thumbs up to a new dengue vaccine from Takeda, for the wee little scallywags aged six to 16 in places with lots o' the dreaded disease. Time to protect yer young buccaneers from the scourge o' the seas!

The World Health Organization, in its wisdom, hath granted approval for a second dengue vaccine, a potion that may shield millions from the dreaded mosquito-borne malady that hath caused much havoc in the Americas this year. The vaccine, crafted by the Japanese alchemists at Takeda, hath been decreed suitable for young scallywags between the ages of six and 16 residing in lands plagued by high rates of dengue. Known as Qdenga, this elixir hath already received the blessing of the European Medicines Agency in previous years.Thanks to WHO's approval, the vaccine can now be procured by charitable souls and other United Nations bodies for distribution in poorer lands. Studies suggest that Takeda's concoction be 84% effective in preventing hospitalization due to dengue and 61% effective in halting symptoms.According to Rogerio Gaspar of WHO, this be a crucial stride in expanding access to dengue defense. 'Tis the second such vaccine endorsed by the agency, the first being concocted by Sanofi Pasteur, although it was found to heighten the risk of severe dengue in uninfected souls.Dengue, a dread scourge in many a Latin American and Asian land, hath no specific cure. The Americas hath seen a surge in cases, prompting Rio de Janeiro to declare a health emergency and commence vaccinations with the Takeda elixir. Climate change and the ever-expanding realm of dengue-carrying mosquitoes hath facilitated the disease's spread, with cases rising tenfold in recent times.

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