The Booty Report

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Argh! Congress be squabblin' o'er gold for the Pentagon, while Ukraine be stabbin' each other in the back! Aye!


Arrr, the likes of Mitch McConnell and his crew be clamoring for more gold for the military, while the Democrats be demanding their fair share for the land lubbers! Aye, 'tis a battle of the budget that be fit for a pirate's plunder!

Arrr mateys! Ye scallywags in Congress be arguin' o'er where t' be spendin' the booty o' the landlubbers - the federal treasure. Mitch McConnell and his band o' Republicans be wantin' t' line the pockets o' the military with more gold, while them Democrats be demandin' their share for domestic programs. Aye, 'tis a quarrel as old as the seven seas!
McConnell, that ol' sea dog, be claimin' that tis important t' fortify our defenses and protect the realm from any threat that be lurkin' in the depths. But them Democrats be sayin' that the landlubbers need their share o' the treasure, too - for education, healthcare, and other civilized needs.
So there they be, at an impasse like a ship caught in the doldrums. Will they be able t' come t' an agreement and divvy up the treasure fairly? Or will they be locked in battle like two ships flyin' the Jolly Roger?
Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be certain - this be one fierce battle for the federal treasure, the likes o' which the seven seas have never seen before!

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