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Arrr! Japan and the US be joinin' forces to create a defense against them speedy hypersonic weapons, me hearties!


Arrr mateys! Japan and the U.S. be teaming up to craft a grand new weapon defense system to swat away those pesky hypersonic weapons from rival scallywags on the high seas. Aye, a grand alliance indeed!

Arrr mateys! Japan and the United States have signed a pact to work together on a new missile defense system to fend off the likes of China, Russia, and North Korea and their hypersonic weapons. This here project, known as the Glide Sphere Interceptor, be set to be ready for action by the mid-2030s. The agreement signed on Wednesday lays out who be doin' what and how decisions be made, a crucial first step in the process.The speedy hypersonic weapons be a real threat with their knack for zipping around at five times the speed o' sound. Japan be tasked with developin' a part of the interceptor that breaks off in space to blast the enemy warhead, as well as the rocket engines. They be puttin' up $490 million for the initial stages of development.Raytheon Technologies and Northrop Grumman be competin' to build the interceptor, with the whole project estimated to cost over $3 billion, including Japan's share. The interceptors will be placed on Aegis-class destroyers, similar to the ones Japan previously worked on with the U.S. to defend against missile threats.Japan be gettin' serious about beefin' up its military defenses and even relaxin' its rules on weapons exports. It be a high stakes game, but with the right plan in place, we might just be able to keep those scallywags at bay!

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