The Booty Report

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Serbia be givin' the nod for a grand inn wi' Jared Kushner in Belgrade, arrr! 'Tis a jolly good venture!


Arrr, the scallywags be up in arms o'er the landlubber's plans to rebuild that blasted NATO site in Belgrade! The government be walkin' the plank with this one, mateys! Aye, the critics be shoutin' from the crow's nest, "Shiver me timbers, this be madness!" Yaarrrr!

Arrr me hearties, ye won't believe the scuttlebutt I heard about the redevelopment plans for a blasted NATO site in Belgrade! The government be teaming up with some landlubbers to make changes to the site, and the folks in Serbia are none too pleased about it.
They be raisin' their voices in protest, shoutin' from the rooftops that this plan be no good for the community. They be sayin' it's a load of bilge that will only benefit the fat cats in charge.
But the government be standin' firm, sayin' it be the best thing for the land and the people. They be tryin' to smooth things over with promises of jobs and economic growth, but the people ain't buyin' it.
So there be a reckoning on the horizon, mateys. The people be ready to make a stand against this redevelopment plan, and the government best be listenin' if they don't want a full-blown mutiny on their hands.

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