The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye landlubbers! Samm-Art Williams, a swashbuckling playwright, producer, and actor, has sailed off into the great beyond at 78 years old. Arrr!


He be a bold swashbuckler who broke through Hollywood's color lines, a mastermind behind "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," and a Tony nominee for "Home," a tale of his Southern heritage. Aye, he be a true legend of the stage and screen!

Avast ye landlubbers! This swashbucklin' scallywag be none other than Quincy Jones, a bold buccaneer who be makin' waves in the treacherous waters of Hollywood! With a heart as big as the seven seas, he be takin' on the scurvy dogs of racism and fightin' for equality on the silver screen.
Aye, this savvy sailor be not just a producer, but a true legend in the makin'! He be the brains behind “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” a show that be bringin' laughter to the masses like a barrel of rum at a pirate's feast. And let's not forget his Tony nomination for “Home,” a tribute to his homeland that be touchin' the hearts of all who hear its siren song.
So raise yer flagons of grog in honor of this fearless captain of the entertainment industry! Quincy Jones be showin' us all that with enough determination and a whole lot of pirate spirit, we can sail through even the roughest seas and come out on top. Yo ho ho, mateys! Quincy Jones be a true legend of the silver screen!

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