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Ye scurvy dogs, gather 'round and hear tales of high-profile political murders and attempts in this century past!


Avast ye mateys! The leader of Slovakia, Robert Fico, hath been struck down in a dastardly ambush afore the election! Let us take a gander at other treacherous attempts on political figures in this century. Aye, the seas be full of danger for those in power! Arrr!

In a shocking turn of events, Slovakia's prime minister Robert Fico was gravely injured in an apparent assassination attempt just weeks before an election, causing a stir not only in the small country but also across Europe. This incident adds to a list of notable political assassinations and attempts during the 21st century.From the targeting of Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernández to the assassination of Japanese former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, political figures have faced dangerous threats. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi survived an assassination attempt by armed drones, while British lawmaker David Amess and Haitian President Jovenel Moïse were tragically killed in separate incidents.Other notable incidents include the assassination of Chad President Idriss Deby Itno, an attempted attack on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, and the death of Russia's ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov. The list also includes failed coup attempts, such as the one in Turkey, and the tragic deaths of prominent figures like British lawmaker Jo Cox and Tunisian opposition leader Chokri Belaid.These events serve as a reminder of the dangers faced by political figures and the importance of security measures in safeguarding their lives.

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