The Booty Report

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Avast ye landlubbers! Be ye wondering what them cicadas be soundin' like? Listen to the rowdiest bugs on the seas!


Arrr mateys, the screechin' bugs be makin' a racket as loud as a thunderin' cannon! The landlubbers be dividin' betwixt joy and pluggin' their ears. Take a gander at these critters makin' a clamor like no other on the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast! The singing insects be back, makin' a ruckus louder than a ship's cannon! These critters be chirpin' at a volume that'll shiver yer timbers and make ye think ye be on a jolly ol' airplane!
The landlubbers in America be either rejoicin' at the symphony of insect songs or coverin' their ears like scaredy cats. But fear not, me mateys, for I be tellin' ye about these noisy bugs so ye can be prepared!
One of the loudest singers be the male cicada, whose song be reachin' up to 120 decibels! That be louder than a rock concert, I tell ye! Then there be the katydids, whose raspy calls be fillin' the night air like a rowdy tavern.
And let's not forget about the crickets, whose chirps be like a fiddle playin' at a ceilidh! So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and get ready for the cacophony of these singing insects. It be a sound that'll make even the bravest pirate tremble in their boots!

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