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French scallywags be servin' justice to a naughty knave who dared to light a fire at the synagogue! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, in Rouen, France, them scallywags of the law didst send a knave to Davy Jones' locker after he brandished a blade and metal stick at them outside a temple he be blamed for scorchin'. Aye, justice be swift on the high seas!

Arr mateys! A scallywag armed to the teeth was caught setting fire to a synagogue in northwestern France. But fear not, for the brave officers in Rouen swiftly dealt with the rascal, making him walk the plank to Davy Jones' locker!Arriving at the scene of the crime, the officers found the scoundrel armed with a knife and a metal bar. The villain, trying to make a run for it, lunged at the officers with his weapons, only to be met with a swift shot that sent him to a watery grave.The Mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, reported that the scallywag climbed up the synagogue and threw a flaming bottle into the praying room, causing significant damage. Luckily, no one was harmed during the incident.Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin praised the officers for their quick response in thwarting the scallywag's evil plans. The prosecutors in Rouen are now investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack and the scallywag's demise.France, with its large Jewish and Muslim populations, has seen a rise in antisemitic acts, possibly fueled by recent events in the region. Let us hope for smoother seas ahead for the good citizens of France!

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