The Booty Report

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Arrr, Dabney Coleman, the scallywag audiences loved to hate, has shuffled off this mortal coil at the ripe old age of 92.


Ahoy mateys! In them moving pictures like “9 to 5” and “Tootsie” and on ye olde telly shows like “Buffalo Bill,” he be turnin' them portrayals of egomaniacal scallywags into a true masterpiece, arrr!

Arrr matey, let me tell ye 'bout this scallywag named Dabney Coleman. He be a right proper villain on the silver screen, playin' them egomaniacal louts like no other. In movies like “9 to 5” and “Tootsie” and on TV shows like “Buffalo Bill,” he be a master at makin' us laugh at his despicable characters.
This landlubber be takin' on roles that be so over-the-top, ye can't help but chuckle at his antics. He be turnin' ego and arrogance into a fine art, entertainin' us with his larger-than-life portrayals. From his snarky remarks to his pompous demeanor, Dabney Coleman be bringin' a special kind o' humor to the screen.
So next time ye be watchin' one o' his flicks or shows, raise a mug o' grog to this talented scallywag. He may be playin' the bad guy, but he be bringin' the laughs with his comedic timing and outrageous performances. Here's to Dabney Coleman, the master of playin' them egomaniacal louts!

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