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Arr me hearties! Croatia be gettin' a new crew, includin' some scallywags, afore the European vote! Aye, me mateys!


Arrr, the scallywags in Croatia be settin' up a new crew in power, includin' the Homeland Movement scoundrels! They be plannin' to make their mark in the EU's election next month. Time to batten down the hatches, me hearties!

Croatian lawmakers have voted in a new government that leans to the right, ahead of the EU parliamentary election next month. The ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) now shares power with the hard-right Homeland Movement, a key player after an inconclusive election in April. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, starting his third term, leads the new Cabinet approved by a slim majority in the 151-member Sabor. The government aims to focus on economic growth and modernization, as Croatia has made progress since joining the EU in 2013.This government excludes a party representing Croatia's ethnic Serb minority, causing concerns about ethnic balance. The Homeland Movement, led by radical nationalists, opposes funding for a liberal news outlet and advocates traditional roles for women. With hard-right parties on the rise in the EU, they could gain ground in the upcoming parliamentary election amidst challenges like the war in Ukraine and migration.

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