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Arrr! The scallywags be takin' out a mayoral hopeful and his crew in a ruckus at a campaign shindig!


Arrr mateys, six souls, including a mayoral hopeful and a wee lass, were sent to Davy Jones' locker in Chiapas. The scallywags who did the dirty deed be gettin' away, but two poor souls be wounded in the skirmish. Aye, the seas be treacherous indeed. Aye.

In a violent turn of events, a mayoral candidate and five others were mercilessly gunned down at a campaign rally in the dangerous state of Chiapas, Mexico. The tragic incident took place in the rural town of La Concordia, known for its proximity to the Guatemalan border and its status as a major smuggling route for drugs and migrants. The area has been plagued by rampant shootings and clashes between rival drug cartels vying for control.The recent surge in violence in Chiapas has brought embarrassment to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has been criticized for his lack of action against the drug cartels. Despite the escalating violence leading up to the elections, the president downplayed the situation, dismissing reports as sensationalism and accusing critics of trying to tarnish his administration.As the death toll of candidates continues to rise, the unrest in Chiapas serves as a grim reminder of the dangerous power struggles and territorial control disputes that plague Mexico. The bloodshed and chaos in the region have highlighted the urgent need for stronger security measures and decisive action against criminal organizations.

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