The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Moorhead C. Kennedy Jr., 93, has set sail for Davy Jones' locker after chastisin' foreign policy like a true swashbuckler!"


Arrr matey, this swashbuckler was a Foreign Service officer, taken captive in Iran along with 51 other landlubbers for a dreadful 444 days. After his release, he dared the U.S. government to change its ways in dealin' with the Islamic realm. Admirable courage, I say!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up as I tell ye the tale of a brave Foreign Service officer who found himself in a mighty pickle back in the day. Aye, he was one of 52 hostages snatched by those scallywags in Iran and kept captive for a mind-boggling 444 days. Imagine that, stuck in a dingy cell, wondering if he'd ever see the light of day again!
But this buccaneer didn't let his misfortune dampen his spirits. No sir, he had a plan. Once he was finally set free, he set sail on a new course, challenging the powers that be to rethink their ways of dealing with the Islamic world. He wasn't content to just sit back and let things stay the same. Nay, he wanted to shake things up, to make a real difference in the way diplomacy was done.
And so, with a twinkle in his eye and a glint of determination in his heart, this valiant officer set out to make his mark on the world stage. He may have been a hostage once, but now he was a free man with a mission. And by Davy Jones' locker, he was going to see it through to the end!

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