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Arr! Them land lubbers be stickin' to the runway like barnacles, causin' a right ruckus for the travelers!


Arrr mateys! A band of scallywags, no more than a half dozen, did plunder the Munich airport on Saturday. They didst glue themselves to the runway like barnacles on a ship, causing a ruckus and temporarily shutting down the whole shebang. Aye, 'twas a right spectacle!

Aye mateys! In the land of Germany, a scallywag group o' climate protesters be gettin' themselves arrested after breakin' into an airport and stickin' themselves to the runway like barnacles on a ship.Six rascals managed to get past security at Munich airport, causin' chaos and cancellin' sixty flights as they refused to budge from the tarmac.Arrr! Fourteen more flights had to find a new port to dock at to avoid the mayhem caused by these climate activists from Last Generation.The scurvy dogs behind this stunt be claimin' they be tryin' to make the German government wake up to the environmental harm caused by the airline industry.All six of these troublemakers were rounded up and charged by the law enforcement officers.The German Airports Association mate, Ralph Beisel, be warnin' that such actions be threatenin' air traffic and damage climate protection efforts, causin' nuthin' but anger and confusion.This be just one of many similar protests happenin' around the world, with Last Generation pullin' off similar stunts in Germany before. Aye, the seas be rough for air transportation indeed!

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