The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! Abinader be ruling Dominican seas after sending scallywag Haitians to Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr, me hearties! Cap'n Luis Abinader be sailin' into Sunday's race as the swashbucklin' front-runner, with his nativist migration policies, a treasure chest of a strong economy, and a fierce drive against scallywag corruption. Shiver me timbers, he be a force to be reckon'd with!

Arrr mateys, listen up! President Luis Abinader be the top dog in this here race, with his sails full of wind from his nativist migration policies, a sturdy ship of a strong economy, and a cannonball of an anticorruption drive. He be sailin' smooth waters, me hearties, with the wind at his back and the treasure in sight.
But beware, me buckos, for the seas be treacherous and the waters be full of sharks lookin' to take down the big fish. President Abinader must keep a weather eye on the horizon and stay ahead of the pack if he wants to claim the prize in this here race.
So hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare for battle, me mateys! President Abinader be the captain of this ship, and he be steerin' us toward victory with his savvy leadership and fearless determination. Let's raise a tankard of grog to our fearless leader and may the winds of fortune be ever in his favor!

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