The Booty Report

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Arr matey, the swashbuckler who be steppin' into Putin's battle plans be the Technocrat takin' charge! Aye aye!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! This Andrei R. Belousov be a landlubber of the highest order, favoring a state-dominated economy with no battle scars to show for it! Avast, me hearties, he be more suited to readin' books than leadin' a crew o' salty sea dogs!

Arr matey, the swashbuckler who be steppin' into Putin's battle plans be the Technocrat takin' charge! Aye aye!

Arrr, let me tell ye a tale of a landlubber by the name of Andrei R. Belousov. This scallywag be an intellectual, a scholar of sorts, but he be havin' no experience on the high seas. Instead, this scurvy dog be known for supportin' a state-dominated economy. Aye, ye heard me right, this landlubber be thinkin' that the government should be in charge of runnin' the economy.
Now, ye might be wonderin', what does a landlubber like Belousov know about the ways of the sea? Well, not much, I'll tell ye that! But that don't stop him from spoutin' off his ideas like a seasoned pirate. He be talkin' about takin' control of the means of production and makin' sure that the government be callin' the shots.
So next time ye be hearin' about this Belousov fella, remember that he be a landlubber in the world of economics. He be talkin' a big game, but when it comes to sailin' the high seas of commerce, he be lost at sea. Arrr, the things ye hear about these intellectuals, am I right?

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