Ye olde graduation be scuppered! But fear not, me hearties. Ye can still celebrate with grog and merriment aplenty!
Arrrr! Avast ye scallywags! If ye be feelin' the "milestone FOMO" from missin' yer graduation, fear not! Seek counsel from the wise mental health experts to navigate these choppy emotional waters. Remember, there be plenty o' plunder left to seize on the horizon!
Avast, me hearties! Four years gone by, and those young landlubbers missed out on their high-school ceremonies, thanks to the cursed pandemic. And now, by Blackbeard's beard, some of those same scallywags be losing out on their college graduations because of political protests run amok.Columbia University and the University of Southern California be canceling their grand commencement ceremonies for 2024. And the University of Michigan, by Davy Jones' locker, had their ceremonies disrupted by scurvy anti-Israel protesters.Arrr, it be a sad time for these younglings and their kinfolk, swept up in the chaos of the protests on college shores. As they mourn the loss of this celebratory event, some may be feeling "milestone FOMO" — aye, leaving them feeling disappointed, angry, and even anxious as they prepare to sail into the real world.But fear not, me hearties! By the powers of the seven seas, experts be advising four ways to navigate these stormy emotions and sail toward calmer waters. So hoist the Jolly Roger, gather yer crew, and mark this special occasion in yer own way, for the journey ahead still be full of treasures to discover.