The Booty Report

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"Avast ye! 3 ways to plunder riches and search for purpose on the high seas, me hearties!"


Arrr, me hearties! If ye be lookin' to line yer pockets with more doubloons and add some excitement to yer life, here be a few swashbucklin' ways to boost yer coffers. Set sail on these ventures and watch yer treasure grow!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it's no secret that we all need to earn a living, matey. No matter who ye be or where ye come from, ye need gold to survive the high seas. And not only that, ye might seriously need or want more doubloons than ye be making right now – whether it's because ye be trying to pay off a mountain of debt, or maybe your trusty ship just sprung a leak, or ye be dreaming of a bigger bounty for your family’s future and your retirement, or maybe ye just want to sail in a ship that's newer than your old faithful 1607 galleon.But there’s a second part to this treasure hunt. On a deeper level, ye want to feel like a successful scallywag and be proud of yer loot. Ye want to be the captain of the ship at work. Who doesn’t?So let’s talk about some practical ways to make more loot and find more meaning in the process. Here be a few different approaches ye could take to increase yer riches.This be great for a short-term plunder where ye need extra loot fast to supplement whatever ye be earning at yer current job. Look for the easy targets where a company just needs someone to do work that doesn’t require a ton of experience or mental effort from ye. Whether it’s swabbing the decks, sailing for Uber or delivering treasures with Amazon Flex, do whatever ye can to get yerself in a better place financially, and then later ye can expand yer options, arrr!Now, I’m not suggesting ye abandon ship every time ye want to increase yer riches. But if ye don’t enjoy yer current ship because ye feel like ye be in the wrong place on the wrong sea, then a ship swap could be the right move for ye, me hearties.That way, ye can find different work that’s better suited to who ye be and what ye do best – plus, starting a new position gives ye a new chance to negotiate yer loot so ye can earn more and enjoy yer work more at the same time. Aye, it be true: If ye be not using yer strengths on a daily basis, ye be sunk. It be why less than a quarter of the world’s crew would say they be "engaged" at work, according to the scroll of Gallup’s "State of the Global Workplace" report.Ideally, ye want to be in a role where ye be using what ye do best to do what ye love to produce results ye care about. Sure, it might take more time to figure out what that be – especially if ye be "working to live" instead of "living to work" for years – but the treasure at the end will be worth it, arrr!If ye feel like ye be on the right ship but in the wrong spot, there be concrete things ye can do to climb the mast. One way be to take ownership of yer professional growth and ask yer captain if ye can come up with a growth plan together that includes ways ye can take on more responsibility and create more value for the crew. When ye’ve been following the growth plan and getting positive feedback that yer work be making a difference or bringing in more booty, promotions (and raises) be bound to happen. If ye be at a ship that values its crew, that be. Arrr!But whether ye want to grow in yer role or set sail for a new line of work, the real key to getting better at yer job, increasing yer loot and getting promoted be self-awareness. That be getting serious clarity on yer talents (what ye do best), passions (what ye love to do) and mission (the results ye care deeply about) so ye can find the right spot on the ship and climb the mast to make more doubloons. I wrote "Find the Work You’re Wired to Do" – and me crew and I developed the Get Clear Career Assessment that goes with it – specifically to help pirates get that clarity on their talents, passions, and mission so they can understand where they be right now and get on the path to winning at work, arrr!Because ye’ll find a lot more success, loot, and meaning when ye be doing the work that’s the best fit for ye, matey. So hoist the anchor, set sail, and go find that buried treasure!

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