The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye mateys, the flying contraption of Iran's leader hath taken a dive, as told by the state scribes!


Avast ye mateys! The rescuers be on the lookout for the ship o' the sky that carried President Ebrahim Raisi and his trusty mate Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian. Arrr, their fate be as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle!

Arrr me hearties, word be spreadin' that the president and his trusty first mate be missin' aboard their flying contraption! The rescuers be scourin' the seas and lands fer any sign of the lost helicopter carryin' these high-sea leaders. The state media be tellin' us that their fate be uncertain, makin' us all hold our breath in anticipatin'.
But fear not, me mateys, for I be thinkin' that these two swashbucklers be crafty enough to find their way out of any sticky situation. They be navigatin' through the treacherous waters of politics for years, so a little mishap aboard a helicopter be no match for their skills. Let's raise the Jolly Roger and send out good vibes to our leaders, hopin' they be safe and sound.
In the meantime, we be keepin' our ears to the ground and our spyglasses at the ready, waitin' for any news of their whereabouts to reach our shores. For now, we be sendin' our thoughts and prayers to the lost crew, wishin' for a safe return to dry land. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, let's hope for the best in this high-sea adventure!

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