The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Two scallywag groups be spendin' $5 million to sway them state court elections! Aye, must be a grand treasure at stake! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The National Democratic Redistricting Committee be teamin' up with Planned Parenthood Votes to support their scallywag candidates for the 2024 election! The state-level battles be heatin' up and these mateys be ready to make their mark on the high seas of politics! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee and Planned Parenthood Votes joinin' forces to support their beloved candidates for the rumble in 2024. These scallywags be plottin' and schemin' as the state-level party skirmishes becomin' more fierce than a kraken in a tempest.
With their cutlasses sharpened and their cannons loaded, these two groups be aimin' to wield their power and influence in the political waters. They be raisin' their flags high and shoutin' their battle cries as they sail towards victory.
But beware, me hearties, for the opposition be watchin' closely and preparin' to fight back with all their might. The stakes be high and the treasure be great, but only one side can emerge victorious in this epic showdown.
So gather ye crew, me mateys, and prepare for a wild ride as the National Democratic Redistricting Committee and Planned Parenthood Votes set sail on the choppy seas of politics. May the winds be ever in their favor as they navigate the treacherous waters ahead. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, it be time to make history!

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