The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Me hearties be shootin' their blunderbusses across yonder city like scallywags! The horror!


Avast ye landlubbers! Columbus, Ohio be havin' a mere 100 swashbucklin' homicides a year, but a plague hath brought a surge! With more pistols and lax laws, can the city set sail back to the good ol' days? Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! Me hearties be shootin' their blunderbusses across yonder city like scallywags! The horror!

Arrr mateys, listen up as I tell ye a tale of Columbus, Ohio and its woes. Aye, the city once had a mere hundred homicides a year, but then a dreadful pandemic came ashore and brought with it a surge in violence. With more guns and laws as loose as a lass's morals, can the city ever find its way back to the old normal?
Ye see, the streets of Columbus be filled with danger and despair as the pandemic be fuelin' the fire of violence. The laws be like a leaky ship, unable to keep the peace. The good citizens be cryin' out for a return to the days of old when the streets were safe and the rum flowed freely.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be hope on the horizon. The city be bandin' together to find a solution to this treacherous problem. The leaders be workin' to tighten the laws and rid the streets of the scurvy dogs causin' all this chaos.
So raise a glass of grog to Columbus, Ohio, and may it soon find its way back to the old normal, where the only thing to fear be a hangover from a night of too much rum. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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