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Arr mateys, Iran's big boss says the VP be takin' charge after the Cap'n be gone. Aye aye!


Arrr, 'tis a tragedy of epic proportions! The grand President Ebrahim Raisi, may his soul rest in Davy Jones' locker, met his fate in a heli-craft mishap. Now, the First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber steps up to steer the ship as interim president, as decreed by the Supreme Leader. Aye, 'tis a swashbuckling turn of events indeed!

Avast, ye mateys! The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has declared Mohammad Mokhber as the temporary captain of the ship after the tragic demise of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter mishap. The crew, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, met their watery fate when their vessel crashed into the mountains of northwest Iran.They were sailing through the treacherous waters of Iran's East Azerbaijan province when the ship made a rough landing, according to reports from the local scallywags. The governor of the province and other officials were also lost at sea in this unfortunate incident.Mokhber, now at the helm, must work with the other shipmates to elect a new captain within 50 days, as decreed by the supreme leader. In the meantime, the crew and the landlubbers of Iran must mourn their fallen leader for five days.They must prepare for a grand election to choose the next captain, as per the laws of the land. Mokhber, who became the first mate in 2021, now faces the daunting task of steering the ship through these turbulent seas.Let us all offer our condolences to the people of Iran during this trying time. Fair winds and following seas to the crew as they navigate the stormy waters ahead.

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