The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Lily Gladstone be stealin' the spotlight at the Kering Women in Motion feast! She be a swashbucklin' lass!


Arrr, the lass be findin' herself in the midst of the Kering Women in Motion feast, a year after she be a wee guest at “Killers of the Flower Moon.” Aye, she be climbin' the ranks faster than a squid up a sail!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The juror be findin' herself in the midst of the Kering Women in Motion feast, a year after bein' a lowly guest at the “Killers of the Flower Moon” shindig. Aye, she be movin' on up in the world, rubbin' elbows with the high and mighty!
She be feelin' like a real swashbuckler, sailin' in uncharted waters and makin' a name for herself among the elite. The rum be flowin' as she regales her fellow diners with tales of her adventures in the courtroom.
But beware, me hearties, for the night be young and full of surprises. The juror be navigatin' treacherous waters as she tries to impress her hosts and secure her place among the stars.
So raise yer tankards high and toast to the juror, a woman of mystery and intrigue, makin' her mark on the high seas of Hollywood. May her star shine bright and her treasure chest be always full!

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