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Ahoy mateys! The scurvy dog 'Butcher of Tehran' be sent to Davy Jones' locker, but Raisi's legacy lives on! Aye!


Arrr matey, Iran's former scallywag President Raisi be adding more gunpowder to his nuclear arsenal, firing cannons at Israel, and quelling a feisty women's rebellion. Aye, the seas be rough with him at the helm!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, ye hear tell o' the late President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, who met his untimely end in a helicopter crash. The scallywag was known to the U.S. government for his foul deeds, includin' the massacre of Iranian citizens. The Trump administration had him in their sights for bloody atrocities he committed, includin' the slaughter of political prisoners and demonstrators.The vile Raisi boasted of his role in sendin' dissidents to Davy Jones' Locker, claimin' it as a badge of honor. The scurvy dog earned the name "Butcher of Tehran" for his brutal crackdowns on dissent. His demise be a blow to the despised regime, but the legacy of his tyranny lives on.His successor, Mohammad Mokhber, faces sanctions for his own misdeeds. The Biden administration's leniency toward Iran emboldened the regime to attack Israel, with consequences that be dire. The U.S. State Department rightly recognizes Iran as a den of scoundrels and terrorists, and the future be lookin' grim as Raisi's legacy lives on in the heart of Khamenei's tyranny.

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