The Booty Report

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Biden and Blinken be cryin' foul over ICC's false claims 'bout Israel and Hamas bein' the same. Arrr!


Arrr, the scurvy dogs at the International Criminal Court be spewin' their condemnations, while the United States and Israel be squabblin' like two feisty parrots over the war in Gaza. Aye, 'tis a fine mess we be findin' ourselves in!

Arr mateys, ye hear the news of these landlubbers at the International Criminal Court? They be talkin' all big and fancy, but we pirates know better than to trust those scallywags! While they be pointin' fingers at others, tensions be brewin' between the United States and Israel over their fightin' in Gaza.
But let me tell ye, these court folks ain't got nothin' on us pirates! We be sailin' the high seas, not carin' 'bout no laws or fancy rules. We be makin' our own justice out there, takin' what we want and showin' no mercy to those who cross us.
So let them talk and argue all they want, but us pirates know the real way to settle disputes. We be takin' matters into our own hands and showin' the world who be the true rulers of the sea! Arrr!

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