The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Rex Murphy, a mighty pundit of the right in Canada, has gone to Davy Jones' locker at 77!


In ye broadsheets and on the wireless, he be hailed as the finest troublemaker of his realm, gatherin' a hearty crowd with his sharp-tongued jibes at them liberals and tree-huggers. Aye, a true champion of the conservative cause, he be!

Arr matey, this scallywag be known as the premier provocateur of his land, spreadin' his conservative views like a pirate spreadin' fear across the open sea. His words be like cannon fire, aimed straight at the hearts of liberals and environmentalists, stirrin' up a storm wherever he goes.
Ye could hear his voice on the airwaves and see his words in the papers, raisin' a ruckus wherever he went. His wit be as sharp as a cutlass, cuttin' through the nonsense of his foes with ease. Many a man feared his name and many a woman whispered it in dark alleys, wonderin' what trouble he'd stir up next.
But despite his controversial ways, there be no denyin' the power of his words. He had a way of captivatin' his audience, drawin' them in with his charm and wit. Whether ye be agreein' with him or not, ye couldn't deny that he had a way with words.
So here's to the premier provocateur, the man who sailed the seas of public opinion with his conservative views and sharp tongue. May his legacy live on in the annals of history, a reminder of the power of words and the impact they can have on the world around us.

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