The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, Trump be sailin' to Cannes with his tale o' 'The Apprentice'! Aye, he be makin' waves indeed!


Arrr, this film be tellin' the tale o' Donald J. Trump's dealings with the scallywag Roy Cohn and his fair maiden Ivana. 'Tis an attempt to decipher the ways o' the future president, back when he be just a young lad on the high seas. Aye, mateys!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and listen to the tale of a scallywag named Donald J. Trump! This film be tellin' the story of his dealings with the infamous fixer Roy Cohn and his first mate, Ivana. It be tryin' to shed some light on what made this future president tick, at least when he was a young buck.
Now, ye might be thinkin' that a man like Trump be all bluster and bravado, but this film digs deeper into his past to show a different side of the man. It be showin' how his relationships shaped him into the buccaneer he be today.
From his early days as a privateer in the business world to his rise to the highest office in the land, this film be givin' ye a glimpse into the life and times of a true pirate of the modern age. So grab yer popcorn and settle in for a wild ride on the high seas of politics with none other than Donald J. Trump!

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