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Avast ye shipmates! Who be this scallywag Jacob Zuma, cast adrift from the election crew? Aye, be he a landlubber or a true buccaneer?


Avast ye! Jacob Zuma, th' scallywag former captain o' South Africa who walked th' plank in 2018, be banned from settin' sail fer Parliament due to past run-ins with th' law. Aye, the old sea dog be walkin' th' plank once again! Arrr!

Arr, mateys! Former South African President Jacob Zuma be walkin' the plank, barred from runnin' for Parliament in next week's national election over his criminal past. The highest court in the land ruled that Zuma can't be a lawmaker until five years after his 2021 sentence for contempt of court. Now he be the captain of a new ship, the uMkhonto weSizwe Party, aimin' to take down the African National Congress he once led.The ANC be feelin' the pressure, with predictions of less than 50% of the votes in the election. Zuma, who stepped down in 2018 amidst corruption allegations, be causin' a stir and stealin' support from his old crew. The 82-year-old Zuma be a well-known figure in South Africa, risin' from ANC leader to president through a turbulent journey of scandals and legal battles.Zuma's fall from power be swift, forced out by corruption allegations and a judicial inquiry. Now he be back in the game, rallyin' support for his new party against his former mates. Although he be barred from runnin' for office, Zuma's party still poses a threat to the ANC's rule, settin' the stage for a fierce battle on the high seas of South African politics.

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