The Booty Report

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Arrr! Over 800,000 scallywags have fled the city in Gaza's south, says a U.N. official. Blimey!


Arrr mateys be fleein' Rafah 'cause o' them Israel scallywags! Now they be crammin' themselves into other parts o' Gaza, lackin' even the most basic o' hygiene and infrastructure. Aye, 'tis a right mess, says the official.

Arrgh mateys, listen here to this tale of woe! The folks in Rafah be fleein' from them scurvy dogs of Israel's military, seekin' shelter in other parts of Gaza. But alas, there be a problem - a lack of basic hygiene and infrastructure for these poor souls.
Can ye imagine the horror of not havin' a proper place to wash yer hands or relieve yerself? It be a travesty, I tell ye! The streets be crowded with these refugees, with no end in sight to their sufferin'.
Ye may think it be a jest, but I assure ye, 'tis the truth. The official who spoke of this dire situation did not jest or exaggerate. It be a sad state of affairs for these poor souls runnin' from the enemy.
So let us raise a glass to those brave souls who be survivin' in these harsh conditions. May they find relief soon and may the winds of fortune blow in their favor. And may those scallywags of Israel's military be thwarted in their evil deeds. Arrgh!

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