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Brave sea dogs be praised as 5 swashbuckling mutts retire, be takin' up new adventures with loyal kin.


Arr mateys, five loyal hounds o' th' Fire Department in Ecuador bein' granted a well-deserved retirement aft seven years o' loyal service. 'Twas a grand ceremony to honor 'em on Monday, says th' authorities. Aye, may they enjoy their golden years with plenty o' bones 'n belly rubs!

Arrr mateys, five brave rescue dogs be honored by Ecuador’s Fire Department on Monday, as they be retirin’ after seven years of service. Ares, Kratos, Zeus, Titan, and Gaia be part of the first class of canines used by the department's rescue unit, workin’ alongside German shepherds and golden retrievers.Lt. Col. Esteban Cardenas be tellin’ tales of their heroic deeds, includin’ findin’ survivors of earthquakes and landslides in Ecuador and abroad. These dogs even journeyed to Mexico in 2017 on a rescue mission.But alas, the time has come to retire these brave hounds, as veterinarian reports have deemed it so. Cardenas be expressin’ mixed feelings at their departure, wishin’ they could stay among their ranks.The dogs have been carefully placed with new owners who met certain requirements. Gaia’s new owner, Valeria Zevallos, be amazed by her new pet’s former life of savin’ lives."Many adventures await us now. After her work adventures, family adventures," she said. Aye, these noble creatures be embarkin’ on a new chapter in their lives, bringin’ joy and companionship to their new homes. Fair winds and following seas to these honorable rescuers!

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