The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Trump be postin' videos 'bout a 'Unified Reich,' then be takin' 'em down faster than ye can say 'ARRR!'


Arrr matey! Ye must be havin' a gander at the 30-second moving pictures from Donald J. Trump's Truth Social account. It be showin' old timey papers suggestin' a Trump triumph in November. Aye, 'tis a jolly good jest indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Have ye heard the latest news from the land lubber Donald J. Trump? He be sharin' a 30-second video on his Truth Social account, filled with World War I-era newspaper clippings and pretendin' headlines proclaimin' a Trump victory in November. Aye, ye heard that right! The scallywag be makin' jests and playin' tricks on us all.
But beware, me mateys, for this be no ordinary news. 'Tis a clever ploy to stir the waters and cause a ruckus amongst the landlubbers and swashbucklers alike. Trump be usin' his savvy to lure in the unsuspectin' and spread his message far and wide.
So let us raise our tankards to this crafty pirate and his antics. Whether ye be a follower or a foe, ye cannot deny the entertainment value of this spectacle. And who knows what other tricks and treasures Trump may have up his sleeve. Keep a weather eye out, me hearties, for the seas be choppy and the winds be blowin'. Ye never know what surprises may come sailin' in next!

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