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"Arrr! A horde of Russians be sailin' away from Turkey, cursin' the costly living and residency troubles."


Arrr! Many landlubbers from the land of Russ have scurried to Turkey for easy passage, but the treacherous seas of residency and gold doubloons have forced them to sail to new horizons, says the officials. Aye, the pirate's life ain't all smooth sailing, mateys!

In the 17th century language of pirates, thousands of Russians who fled to Turkey after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine be movin' on to other countries due to residency issues and high costs, me hearties. When the war began in 2022, Turkey became a haven for Russians, especially in Istanbul and Antalya. Some opposed the invasion, others wanted to avoid Western sanctions, and some feared bein' drafted into the army.But now, the number of Russians with Turkish residency permits be fallin', and many be headin' to Serbia and Montenegro. With Turkish inflation at 70%, and banking difficulties due to sanctions, Russians be seekin' stability elsewhere. Some be leavin' due to rejected residency applications, like Dmitri who moved to Montenegro with his family.Russians be relocatin' for political, economic, and sociocultural reasons, with some 800,000 citizens resettlin' abroad since the invasion. Turkey, maintainin' visa-free travel for Russians, has seen a decline in Russian businesses. Russian migrants be movin' to Latin American countries as well, feelin' the economic challenges in Turkey.Despite some wealthy Russians obtainin' Turkish citizenship, bureaucratic troubles be causin' many to leave. Eva Rapoport, who helped Russian arrivals in Istanbul, has also joined the exodus, citin' uncertainty in permit extensions and hostility toward foreigners in Turkey.Overall, the Russian exodus from Turkey be influenced by residency woes, economic challenges, and concerns over human rights, makin' many like Rapoport feel they be tradin' one authoritarian regime for another.

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