Avast ye mateys! The Biden crew be settin' free a million barrels o' liquid gold for our ship's thirst! Arrgh!
Arrr mateys, the Congress be decrein' a sale o' gas durin' the summer sailin' season. But mark me words, it be havin' naught but a wee impact on the plunderin' prices o' gasoline. Aye, tis a jest fit for the jolly roger!
Arr mateys, Congress be mandatin' a sale for the summer drivin' season, but don't be expectin' a grand impact on the price o' gasoline. 'Tis like findin' a bit o' gold in a barrel o' rum - a pleasant surprise, but not enough to make ye rich!So fill up yer tanks with caution, me hearties, for the seas ahead may still be rough when it comes to the cost o' fuel. But fear not, for we pirates be resourceful creatures, savvy in the ways o' the open road! We'll find a way to sail through these stormy waters, even if it means tightenin' our belts and makin' do with less grog.
So hoist the anchor and set sail for adventure, me buckos! The road may be long and the prices high, but we pirates be a resilient bunch. We'll weather this storm together, with a hearty laugh and a swig o' rum to keep our spirits high. Onward to the next port, where new treasures await us!